Friday, February 25, 2022

Virology World Conference


Magnus Group solicits your gracious presence at its Virology World Conference” (VIROLOGY 2022) to be organized during June 20-22, 2022 in Rome, Italy.

The conference deliberations will be on the theme VIRUS: Viral Infections, Immune Response and Unearthing Advancements to Combat Viral Spread.”

Our Virology Congress has gained international recognition as a professional organization for antiviral researchers and as the site of the leading scientific meeting on the subject. The annual meeting of VIROLOGY 2022 is designed to provide an interdisciplinary venue for investigators working in basic, applied, and clinical antiviral and virus research from across the world to meet and discuss new advancements in all fields of virus research. The scientific committee of VIROLOGY 2022 are working on putting up a program that will cater to the interests of microbiologists, virologists, doctors, researchers, academicians, scientists and individuals who are interested in the field of virology. This virology  global summit would be a giant event, providing a great opportunity to share knowledge about the latest breakthroughs in virus and viral research. This virology conference is a  three-day event which will include current trends in virology including Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), Emerging Infectious Diseases, General Virology, Molecular and Cellular Virology, Clinical and Diagnostic Virology, Veterinary Virology, Viral Respiratory Diseases, Medical Virology and Parasitology Vaccines Safety and Efficacy, Virology and Epidemiology.